Manual Transmission Fluid Check

Perform recommended fluid checks and changes at regular intervals according to the vehicle manufacturer's recommendations and specifications. The fluid should be replaced more frequently under severe heat, cold, or dirt conditions. Replacing transmission fluid can improve shifting and extend the life of the transmission.

Check the fluid through the transmission drain plug for condition and level. Check with specifications if you need clarification on the fill and drain plug locations. Many drain plugs incorporate a magnet to collect any metallic debris circulating in the fluid and collecting in the sump. Inspect and clean these drain plugs before replacement. Fill the transmission to the base of the fill plug opening.

If excess metal is found on the plug and in the oil, it's most likely from worn gear teeth. Most synchronizer-blocking rings are brass. Because brass collects in the pan, not the magnet, it doesn't appear on the magnet but shows up as the fluid is drained. They appear as brass-colored flakes in the fluid toward the end of the draining cycle.