Fuel Injection Systems

Multiport and sequential fuel injection systems inject atomized fuel into a port before the intake valve. However, there is a difference in the way these systems operate.
Multiport Fuel Injection

Multiport injection systems fire the injectors in groups. A four-cylinder engine may fire the #1 and the #3 injectors on the first crankshaft revolution and then fire the #2 and #4 on the second. A six-cylinder engine would fire three injectors on the first revolution and the other three on the next. The fuel charge in some cylinders momentarily sits, but engines rotate so quickly the delay is negligible. Due to its design, a problem with one driver will cause a misfire in more than one cylinder.
Sequential Fuel Injection

Sequential fuel injection systems fire each injector individually. This system is more efficient than a multiport system because changes to the fuel mixture are instantaneous. Most of today's engines have sequential fuel injection systems. The ECM controls the injectors by pulse width, the time the injector sprays fuel into the port. Pulse width control of each injector improves performance over multiport injection.